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When volunteer stewards girdled maples in an ancient oak woodland, Forest Preserve staff approved, but some observers expressed strong criticism. Research, study, education and consensus were needed.
We are just beginning to learn the secrets of the tallgrass region's woodlands. We are early, and yet nearly too late. Large parts of remnant oak ecosystem biodiversity are being lost, dying out, year after year, at most sites. So we should continue to study, but we have to act now on what we know.
Biodiversity conservation began with the prairies. The need was noticed first there. Remnants were small, precious, visibly dying out. We loved those prairies. When George Fell founded the Illinois Nature Preserves System, he recommended prairies as a priority.
Conservation pioneers were inventing something quite new. Much of the science and discipline of ecosystem ecology and conservation had been founded in the tallgrass region. A seminal work was The Vegetation of Wisconsin by John Curtis (1959) – outstandingly good, as science, but for conservation action, embedded within it was a fundamental problem.
Using ecosystem concepts based on that book, Illinois conducted the world’s first intensive Natural Areas Inventory in the 1970s. How much nature was left, it asked for the first time, and where exactly was it? Nearly all the state's prairies had been plowed, its forests cut, its wetlands drained. Even land set aside for conservation could lose its species and quality as shown in the four savanna drawings below:
Grade A forest: 1,058 acres
Grade A prairie: 54 acres
Grade A savanna: 0 acres
The Inventory was especially ahead of its time in how it chose to define prairie “nature.” Thanks to the pioneering work of Dr. Robert Betz, Floyd Swink, Ray Schulenberg, and others, the Inventory was able to assess prairie “quality” based in part on plant species conservatism and composition. As with forests or wetlands, evaluators looked for signs of human "disturbance", but they also sought concentrations of species that were rare and normally found only growing with each other in remnants that had all prairie species. These sites were recognized as complete. Using such insights, it turned out to be impossible to find “quality” prairies on good soil that were larger than a few acres. Thus, very high quality prairies as small as one-quarter acre made it on to the Inventory and were deemed important enough for preservation. Protecting those precious few 54 prairie acres became an obvious priority.
No parallel approach was used for the forests. Despite the fact that most woodland biodiversity is found among its herbs and associated animals, fungi, etc. – woods were evaluated principally by their trees. You might think - with 1,058 acres of Grade A mesic forest - that 1970s Illinois had roughly twenty times as much Grade A forest as prairie. But it has become increasingly clear that there is very little, if any, very high quality oak forest, our major forest type.
Prairie destruction had been obvious. Woodland biodiversity was being lost gradually, imperceptibly to most, often from excess shade by invading maples. Many sites accepted by the Inventory, now mostly maple, had ancient oaks in the canopy. Those oaks had typically not reproduced in 100 years and ecologically seemed doomed. Oak woods depend on regular fire. In its absence they had been degrading for more than a century.
Curtis had studied the forests in great detail. We learned much from his excellent, massive, and insightfully mathematically analyzed data. He found sugar maple to be by far the most common mesic forest tree, but his data shows that among them grew oaks: especially white, red, and bur oak. He was looking at a moment in time. But his work was interpreted as defining archetypes and goals for conservation – in perpetuity.
It’s not that Curtis couldn’t see what was happening. He described it graphically in the passage below, summarizing what he calls the “normal” replacement of oaks by maples. In describing what he called “an original stand” of white, black, and red oak:
“Due to complete fire protection afforded the stand in the last 50 years, the mesic trees began to spread out, basswood going first and farthest, followed by an almost solid wall of young sugar maples. … (T)he shade from the maples brought about the death of the typical oak forest understory. … As the period of exposure to low light lengthened, the oak plants gradually died out altogether, although some persisted for decades in a weak, entirely vegetative condition.”
Of course, as the hundreds of species of oak-associated plants died out, thousands of animal species that depended on them died out too. So what did Curtis mean when he referred to this as “normal”?
“The xeric forests of southern Wisconsin are seen to be a series of rapidly changing species combinations whose local complexity is the result of progressive and retrogressive processes induced by the biological characteristics of the dominant species and by the repeated interference of outside agents of destruction.”
Curtis deplored the practice of some farmers to burn their oak woods. Nature needed lack of "disturbance". Fire equaled destruction. He loved nature and considered sugar maple forest to be precious, as indeed ancient maple forests are. But he seemed not to worry that oak woodland biota could be lost. He found that savannas had been the most common ecosystem type in the southern half of Wisconsin at the time of Euro-American settlement but were extremely rare in his day. He credited Native Americans with the fires that maintained so much savanna and oak woods, but he didn’t identify fire as a critical element of biodiversity conservation.
With varying amounts of passion and wisdom, early conservationists deplored the impact of “the degrading hand of man.” If fire was a human-caused disturbance and it ceased, our prairies would become woods of some sort, and our oak woods would become maple. Most animal and plant species of this region depend on grassland or open woodland habitats. “Leave nature undisturbed” would not conserve them.
The concepts needed for conservation were gradually being developed. The term “biodiversity” first appeared in publication in 1988. The crucial role of fire was finally codified for scientists in 1985 by Picket and White in The Ecology of Natural Disturbance and Patch Dynamics. It would necessarily take time to incorporate new understandings into conservation decision-making.
But it was becoming clearer that we had to adopt a longer view. Our planetary heritage of biodiversity was not created in a few thousand years; it took millions. Research indicates that the planet’s grasslands and associated oak ecosystems began to take their current form about five million years ago with the rise of warm-season grasses and fires. Today’s species and genetic richness have been evolving in these communities for those millions of years. Many species are older than that.
Some people point out that the ecosystems on the fertile, new glacial soils of the tallgrass region have only been here for ten millennia, since the retreat of the Wisconsin glacier. But their species, with their intricate interdependencies and relationships, are vastly older. The communities of animals and plants moved back and forth on the continent in response to changing climates. Regardless of where they’ve been over deep time, much of their species and genetic richness survive today in fragmented remnants of the Midwest.
As the Illinois Natural Areas Inventory folks were busy doing the hard work of defining “nature” and identifying the communities that supported it, they needed to do something with the oak woods. Like Curtis, they called them xeric (meaning dry). Thus, the category that likely included some of our best oak woodland was called dry-mesic forest.
Dry-Mesic Grade A forest: 986 acres
But the search for highest quality woodlands did not have the benefit of a Betz-like evaluation of herbaceous plant diversity. Quality was defined more simply as lack of "disturbance" – no past tree cutting or fire. The fact that such areas would lose their original or current species over time seemed not to have been part of the thinking. Perhaps "lack of disturbance" was an opposite of what they should have been looking for (see Endnote 1). In the case of prairies, there was already in the seventies an appreciation of the role of fire. The INAI site reports included recommendations to landowners. In the case of prairies, the need for fire was noted on many sites. In the case of oak forests, it was not.
A concept frequently found in writing on this subject is that of “the mesophytic forest.” This category, as used in the tallgrass region, often seems unhelpful and confusing. “Mesophytic” is from Latin for “medium” (wetness) and “plant.” It is used to indicate maple forest. But the practical difference between oak and maple is fire, not water. Soil types and wetness make important differences, of course. But what the manager or steward controls (and what means life or death to oak woodland biodiversity today) is fire or no fire. Yes, a prairie grove of oaks would get more damp if maples took over – shadier, less wind and evaporation. But the biodiversity of the maple forest would not magically appear. This grove would not increasingly be a natural maple forest; it would be an increasingly degraded oak woodland.
Two continua (or “ranges of conditions”) are key to understanding our oak ecosystems. One is the continuum from intense frequent burns to occasional, mild ones. The other is the continuum from dry to wet. Oak woodlands span both continua. The most common tree in wet oak woodlands is the swamp white oak (Quercus bicolor). Wet-mesic oak woods often have mixed swamp white and bur oaks (Quercus macrocarpa). Mesic oak woodlands may be mostly white oak (Quercus alba) – and drier, sandier ones have more black oak (Quercus velutina). Sites with a history of more intense fire (for example those downwind from prairies or savannas) are more likely to have a larger component of bur oak, which is the species with the most resistance to and dependence on fire. Bur oaks have very open (less shady) canopies and, as Curtis pointed out, cannot reproduce in the shade of any other tree species. Red oak (Quercus rubra) seems to be shorter-lived, more vulnerable to fire damage, and able to grow in the shade of other oak species. On many sites, red oak numbers need to be controlled if bur and white oaks are to reproduce.
Oak woodlands are gradually getting a second look and more respect. In 2011, an update of the 1970s Illinois Natural Areas Inventory was adopted by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (See Endnote 2). That update took a big step toward solving the problem of the missing oak woodlands. The new community classification now includes a distinction between “forests” and “woodlands.” Woodland is now rightly seen as a special type of forest, which depends on fire for survival. As the mesic communities in the new classification are presented:
Mesic upland forest: principally sugar maple. Characteristic plants: Blue beech and bladdernut. Characteristic animals: tiger salamander and wood thrush.
Mesic woodland: principally white and bur oak. Characteristic plants: Viburnums, woodland milkweed, pale vetchling, starry campion.
The conceptual thinking continues to develop. If characteristic animals were to be listed for mesic woodland, species might include red-headed woodpecker, great-crested flycatcher, yellow-throated vireo, and blue-spotted salamander.
The updated Inventory shows Dry-mesic woodland having such characteristic plants as alumroot, New Jersey tea, pale Indian plantain, Wolf’s bluegrass, savanna blazing star, and buffalo clover. Many woodland plant species are on the Illinois Threatened and Endangered lists or are otherwise rare, especially the ecotypes of woodlands. Many have been characterized as “plant refugees.”
There will be more learning and clarifications. But we can’t wait for them. For those of us who work on biodiversity conservation, we have to act on the basis of what information we have, before it’s too late. With all due respect for the scientific process … and it deserves great respect indeed ... we have to make many decisions on the basis of judgment.
The bottom line is: some of us at some sites need to use fire and other healing restoration to conserve the oak woodlands and savannas, while the biota survives.
Dry-mesic woodland -- Soil conditions intermediate between dry and mesic; not as limiting for tree growth compared to dry woodland. Periodic fire is necessary for maintenance of composition and open structure. Subcanopy structure depends on recent fire history. Intergrades with dry woodland and dry-mesic upland forest. Formerly classified, in part, as dry-mesic upland forest (White and Madany 1978). Distinguished from dry-mesic upland forest by spreading growth forms of the dominant overstory trees and predominance of characteristic understory woodland species.
Distribution: Statewide on ridges, level and rolling uplands, and south and west-facing upper slopes.
Dominant plants:
Canopy - Quercus alba, Quercus velutina, Quercus stellata, Quercus macrocarpa (bur oak), Carya spp. (C. glabra [pignut hickory], C. ovata [shagbark hickory], C. ovalis [shellbark], C. tomentosa [mockernut hickory]);
Ground Layer - Bromus pubescens (woodland brome), Muhlenbergia sobolifera (rock satin grass), Solidago ulmifolia (elm-leaved goldenrod).
Characteristic plants:
Understory - Amelanchier arborea (Juneberry), Rosa carolina (pasture rose), Rhus aromatica(aromatic sumac), Ceanothus americanus (New Jersey tea), Cornus florida (flowering dogwood), Corylus americana (hazel), Ostrya virginiana (hop hornbeam), Viburnum prunifolium (black haw).
Ground Layer – Amphicarpa bracteata (hog peanut), Anemone virginiana (tall anemone), Apocynum androsaemifolium (spreading dogbane), Arnoglossum atriplicifolium (pale Indian plantain), Asclepias purpurescens (purple milkweed), Asclepias quadrifolia (whorled milkweed), Aster spp. (e.g., A. drummondii, A. sagittifolius), Bromus pubescens (woodland brome), Dasistoma macrophylla (mullein foxglove), Desmodium nudiflorum (bare-stemmed tick trefoil), Dichanthelium latifolium (broad-leaved panic grass), Elymus hystrix (bottlebrush rye), Frasera caroliniensis (American columbo), Helianthus strumosus (pale-leaved sunflower), Heuchera americana (tall alumroot), Krigia biflora (false dandelion), Carex spp. (e.g., C. albicans, C. cephalophora, C. hirsutella, C. pensylvanica, C. retroflexa), Liatris aspera (rough blazing star), Liatris scariosa var. nieuwlandii (savanna blazing star), Monarda bradburiana, Poa wolfii (Wolf’s bluegrass [State Threatened]), Porteranthus stipulaceus (Indian physic), Pycnanthemum pilosum (hairy mountain mint), Silene stellata (starry campion), Solidago nemoralis (old field goldenrod), Solidago speciosa (showy goldenrod), Taenidia integerrima (yellow pimpernel), Tradescantia virginiana (Virginia spiderwort), Trifolium reflexum (buffalo clover [State Threatened]), Triosteum perfoliatum (late horse gentian), and Veronicastrum virginicum (Culver’s root).
Characteristic animals: Eumeces laticeps (broad-headed skink)
Mesic woodland -- Soils deep and rich; periodic fire required for maintenance of woodland structure. Examples include mesic savannas converted to woodland with > 50% canopy cover as a result of fire absence or low frequency. Formerly classified, in part, as mesic savanna and mesic upland forest (White and Madany 1978). Intergrades with mesic savanna; following extended fire absence, converts to mesic upland forest.
Distribution: Statewide on high terraces, at the base of moraines, and other locations that are fire prone; scarce due to fire absence and conversion to forest structure.
Dominant plants:
Canopy - Quercus alba, Quercus macrocarpa, Q. rubra.
Characteristic plants:
Understory - Prunus virginiana, Viburnum spp. (e.g., V. lentago, V. prunifolium, V. rafinesquianum). Ground Layer - Asclepias exaltata, A. purpurascens, Bromus pubescens (woodland brome), Camassia scilloides (wild hyacinth), Carex spp. (e.g., C. jamesii, C. hirtifolia, C. radiata), Dichanthelium spp. (e.g,. D. clandestinum, D. latifolium), Echinacea purpurea (purple coneflower), Eupatoriadelphus purpureus (purple joe-pye weed), Festuca subverticillata (nodding fescue), Heliopsis helianthoides (false sunflower), Diarrhena americana (beak grass), Lathyrus ochroleucus (pale milkvetch [State Threatened]), Podophyllum peltatum (May apple), Silene stellata.
Congratulations to the Illinois DNR folks who assembled this good contribution to our increasing recognition of woodland communities. Two details in the above deserve comment. It could be misleading to claim that “mesic savannas convert ... to woodland ... as a result of fire absence or low frequency” and that mesic woodland without fire “converts to mesic upland forest.” It would be more accurate to say that in most cases a rare global conservation priority (oak woodland) would be replaced by a poor quality common maple forest.
If high-quality examples of both communities were present side-by-side, evolution towards a quality maple forest does seem possible. But more likely in most cases, lack of fire would result instead in degraded savanna or woodland. It may be accurate to say that they develop the structure of the new community. But if the species of that new community are not present nearby, the rare conservative biodiversity that's lost in the absence of fire would not likely be replaced by anything comparable. Generally speaking, the goal of conservation should be to maintain high-quality communities with their existing biodiversity intact. This is especially true for a global conservation priority, like oak woodland.
Both Illinois and Wisconsin have contributed a lot of leadership to be proud of and continue to improve the conceptual frameworks and priorities that guide conservation. Wisconsin DNR defines the ecology and needs of the fire-dependent “Oak Openings” well here. Indeed, Wisconsin ranks savanna (which they refer to as “Oak Openings” - following Curtis) as that state's only Globally Endangered (“G1”) community. G1 means “critically imperiled” globally and “at very high risk of extinction or elimination.” WI DNR lists oak woodland as “GNR S1?” - meaning that its global priority is not well understood (NR - not rated) and it is likely a top priority in that state - but with a question mark. Oak woodlands have been getting additional attention in Wisconsin recently as a result of the Army Lake Woodland experience. Many of us hope that these rare communities will increasingly get the priority and stewardship that they need and deserve.
Abrams, M.D. 1992. Fire and the development of oak forests. Bioscience. 42: 346-353. https://www.personal.psu.edu/faculty/a/g/agl/1992%20Bioscience%2042%20346%20353.pdf
Oak Ecosystems Recovery Plan (Chicago Wilderness) https://www2.illinois.gov/dnr/conservation/IWAP/Documents/Chicago%20Wilderness%20Oak%20Ecosystem%20Recovery%20Plan.pdf
Curtis, John T. The Vegetation of Wisconsin: as Ordination of Plant Communities. 1959
Andrew Hipp, Paul S. Manos, and Jeannine Cavender-Bares: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-oak-trees-evolved-to-rule-the-forests-of-the-northern-hemisphere/
John White, Conceptual Foundation and Philosophical Framework for the Illinois Natural Areas Inventory, Fourth Edition, 2008
Wilhelm, Gerould and Laura Rericha, Flora of the Chicago Region, 2017. See especially the analysis of sugar maple issues in their treatment of Acer saccharum.
Wilhelm, Gerould, What is a Savanna? Savanna/Woodland Symposium. Kansas City, MO. 2002
Another great post.
ReplyDeletePeople should not hold it against Curtis, or other early ecologists, for watching on the sidelines as oak savannas/woodlands changed into degraded forests due to lack of fire. It is hard for people to embrace the idea of burning anything. Logically, these ecologists knew these ecosystems needed fire. However, emotionally fires meant at best damaged trees and at worst towns burned to the ground. Humans are emotional creatures. This has helped humanity survive and flourish. I still remember my first reaction to the suggestion of prescribed burning. At the risk of understating, I was not in the prescribed burning ‘cheering section.’ It took me seeing the changes prescribed fires made to the ecosystem over time to understand the importance of this natural process.
There are other disturbances besides fire that are important to maintaining oak woodlands. At Deer Grove Forest Preserve the squirrels would chew all the bark off certain sugar maples during the winter. Not all the sugar maples, just one here or there. It was surreal to walk into the woods and find all these trees that were mostly, if not completely, naked of their bark. Your volunteers seem to be doing the work that had been being done by the squirrels.
Comment from Dan Carter of The Prairie Enthusiasts:
ReplyDeleteA quirk of Wisconsin, in part due to Curtis, is that the WDNR combines oak woodland and oak opening together into a broader savanna concept than forest. Curtis includes a table of species by light intensity range from Bray, and woodlands encompass the intermediate and low light portions of that table. So while it's also true that we often see historical oak woodlands mismanaged as forests, we just as often see historical woodlands opened up excessively into much more open savannas!
I don’t see much in your post I could add except I’d claim that white oak like red oak establishes better under an oak canopy than not. It likes dappled light.
What has surprised me is that our very few mesic sites (like Army Lake and Summit Bog Island) are very compositionally similar to woodlands on drier, sometimes also sandier sites in the Driftless. Good remnants elsewhere in the state are also very small; all I’ve seen are at the confluence of minimal grazing and topography where leaf litter has tended to blow off during the period(s) of fire exclusion (knolls surrounded by peatlands in SE WI, headlands where property lines cut woodlands off from the rest of the ridge and cattle access from ridgetop farms). I’d appreciate any thoughts you have.
I'll just say Curtis wasn't alone w/respect to human disturbance. I’ve been thinking a lot about compositional change on prairies that remain open and dominated by prairie species--even Weaver, who diminished the importance of fire for prairie, showed that thatch build-up associated with exclusion of biomass removal shifts composition away from mid grass-dominated to the long-rhizomatous, tall grasses that are good at emerging through litter (along with loss of understory forbs). The fire that Weaver showed to cause compositional change away from true prairie was late spring fire, which shifted prairies in the western tallgrass from bunchgrass dominance to big bluestem dominance—the same as not burning. Oddly, Curtis' mesic prairie had 2X the 1m2 frequency of porcupine grass compared to big bluestem (despite big bluestem at all sites), but some of those would have been railroad prairies that did get some fire.
DeleteThis response to Dan Carter by James McGee:
Certain locations maintain open conditions longer, even when fire has not been occurring. I have considered why these locations have maintain an open character, the fact that burning is the most important factor in maintaining the openness of woodlands, and that quality vegetation can persist in areas where topography allows leaf litter to be blown off headlands.
The one consistent factor in all these situations is some sort of nutrient limitation. Areas that maintain open conditions longer were never farmed, and therefore were not fertilized, or grazed, avoiding fertilization in another manner. If burning is intense, fly ash will leave a site exporting nutrients. Leaf litter blowing off headlands exports nutrients. There seem to be a theme here.
Maybe the canopy thinning should be seen as a way to remove nutrient instead of only a way to increase light.
Maybe, but the other consistent factor is lack of physical smothering from the leaf litter. That'll snuff out the woodland herbaceous layer regardless of what is happening nutrients. When it comes to nutrients, it's also availability that matters more than amount in the system--if there is a big pile of oak litter, it's decomposition is going to immobilize nutrients. .
DeleteYes, the decomposition of high carbon organic matter immobilizes nutrients as fungi, bacteria, etc. use nutrients to grow. This is the reason I like wood to be left to decompose. Woodland wildflowers and sedges establish on rotting logs, but my observations, so far, have been high-nitrogen loving buckthorn seedlings do not survive on this substrate for long.
DeleteI realize excess leaf litter smothers plants on the woodland floor. People who study woodlands say there are 10 times the number of trees that were present 40 years ago. If there were 10 times less trees, then there should also be much less leaf litter.
A part of the increase in trees is undoubtedly due to carbon dioxide emission. However, as I mentioned previously some areas have escaped becoming dense with invading trees longer. I also mentioned possible reasons like a lack hot fires, a lack of wind blowing away leaves, increased nutrients near suburban edges, eutrophication, and/or grazing has allowed nutrients to accumulate in woodlands and savannas in the form of many times the number of trees. Biomass removal could be seen as moving woodlands toward their natural pre-fire-suppression ecosystem total-nutrient-level.
ReplyDeleteYou have written a fine, needed essay about Oak communities, but you have accepted traditional word usages of ecologists, specifically about "disturbance". Like "climax" it is word that distorts reality. Is rainfall a "disturbance"? Rainfall and fire are events that occur with some frequency. When rainfall has not occurred as expected the term drought is used. Droughts have impacts on natural communities as do fire events. Cutting tress and plowing the land is another event, one that unlike rainfall and fire are generated by the desire to generate money. Progress in natural communities will be faster if the words "disturbance" and "climax" are no longer used or precisely defined.
Additionally, "fire" is an event that occurs rarely. One need to refer to a fire regime (portion of years with a fire, the season of the fire, the intensity) to better help natural areas.
I have come to the position that fire (a regime averaging a third of the years) is necessary to revitalize oak woodlands but it is NOT sufficient. Creating a balance by eliminating non-native species and regulating the abundance of native species (particularly animal consumers) is also important.
Dennis Nyberg
Thanks, Dennis. I agree that it is a mistake to call fire a "disturbance" in fire-adapted communities. Like rain, wind, predation, and similar impacts, it's nature. I've tried to correct the post by clarifying that I was referring to the way conservationists once (misleadingly) used that word.
DeleteReaders here have probably seen this report for Timberhill in southern Iowa co-authored by Wilhelm and Rericha. If not, it's well worth a read. https://wwv.inhs.illinois.edu/files/1913/4021/3314/Timberhill_Final.pdf
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this link. Thus far, I had only seen an early manuscript of their report on Timberhill (which is a real gem, by the way!).
DeleteThank you for this Steve. I had the pleasure of visiting Somme again last year, thanks to you and other stewards for that too. This just came out, would like to hear your thoughts:
It seems to me that the categorization of various somewhat "discrete" plant communities such as "savanna", that have been altered and are lacking good examples of reference sites, is best done at a local physiographic scale depending on soil type and underlying geology. The trees tell the story only half way (as mentioned in End note 2) - the rest of the story is revealed by indicator species in the herb layer. Subtle differences in species composition were probably present in original savanna and woodland communities that defined landscape level differences. For example - which species do we see today occuring in the Lake Border Moraines of the Des Plaines and Chicago River Watersheds that are absent from the adjacent Kettle Moraine area and vice versa. Dry-mesic woodlands certainly occurred frequently in both - the differences might be in minor soil differences, plant migration patterns thru climate change, or other ecological factors. I think to get to know the ecological gradients and plant communities is a discipline of immersion and knowledge of place - the ecoregional attributes shaping our understanding. So, we may not have reference sites to capture the original species composition - but as you know, the clues are in species adaptations to sun and shade, to fire and flooding, to nutrient excess and depletion, and to grazing (or maybe mowing by Barbara Turner) or ability to withstand leaf litter accumulation. Sorting out the species and reassembling communities is one of the scientific questions we are having to ask on the road to ecorestoration - and taking all available information is crucial! Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteA week ago, I took a walk in Carl R. Hansen Woods. I was looking for things that grown on logs. On one log, I found a few gooseberries (Ribes) growing. I did not see gooseberries anywhere else in these frequently burned woods. I think the log acted to protect the gooseberries from fire.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a kid growing up in Iowa, I remembered gooseberries being all throughout the woods. When they were ripe, I thought they tasted like little plums. I remember seeing some gooseberries in the woods on the west side of the Schaumburg Road Grasslands before restoration occurred. I don’t remember seeing them when I walked through the areas where buckthorn had been removed, woodland grasses had been sown, and burning has been occurring.
A lot of species need fire. However, some species do not tolerate it. I wonder where those species fit into the landscape.